Notice to all members of the ReelToken, Reel Crypto community. SCAM ALERT.

06 Sep 2023, 05:37
Notice to all members of the ReelToken, Reel Crypto community. SCAM ALERT It has come to our attention that there is a group of fraudsters who have been collecting money from the community for tokens with suggested links to our project. We can assure you that these people are not associated with us in any way and are not acting with our authority. We are not currently raising any funds from the general public if anyone has made any payments in recent months, we recommend that you seek an immediate refund and report the matter to the relevant authorities. These people have been impersonating our group of companies and using the names of our management team and advisors illegally. This is a serious abuse of our identity and good name, and we consider it essential that we immediately inform all of you of the danger. We are taking the necessary steps to secure our project and will be posting updates as we become aware of any new information.